Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Great College T-Shirt Project Day 17

College T-Shirts and GearWell! Every day I receive more items in the mail. Here’s what I got over the last several days:

On the 13th Howard University in Washington DC sent a pennant, a pen, and a lanyard, The University of Utah in Salt Lake City sent a pennant and a pen, and The School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston sent a t-shirt and two pencils.

College T-Shirts and GearOn the 14th Wesley College in Delaware sent a shirt and Oakland University in Michigan sent a nice “Golden Grizzlies” shirt.

On the 15th American University in Washington DC sent a shirt and two pens. My collection of pens sure I piling up!

College T-Shirts and GearAnd yesterday I got shirts from Mansfield College, Mercyhurst College, and Point park College, all in Pennsylvania. I also got a shirt and 3 pens from Penn State’s Hazelton campus and a pennant from Umass in Boston. And finally, American International College in Massachusetts sent a shirt and a neat pair of sunglasses covered in AIC Yellowjackets. A busy day for the mailman.

The tally so far is 580 emails sent, 13 t-shirts received.

I also wanted to note one school in particular. A representative from Saint Francis University in Pennsylvania said that he couldn’t send me a t-shirt unless I went through the application process, something I’ve heard from many schools. What I liked about this one however was that in a postscript he added “Should you wish to send me a Minden, Nebraska shirt, my size is L. I’ll fill out whatever application you need.” Ha! I might just do that.

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