Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Journal - Things Moving Forward
Well, I think I’ve got my Medicare all taken care of. My coverage actually began on March 1 and I really didn’t have to do anything as far as the medical coverage goes. I did, however, have to pick out a prescription plan. In fact, I’ve spent most of this month getting that prescription coverage lined up; applying for the coverage, then applying for additional assistance to help pay for it. Then I had to pick which plan I wanted from a list that Medicare provided. That involved making a few phone calls and asking some questions. You choose a plan mainly based on what pharmacies are available to you, but also by what meds you take, different plans cover different medicines. I was able to find a plan that covered the pharmacy I currently use, and that covered the prescriptions I currently use. Then I had to call Medicare to let them know which plan I was going with. It’s all official now, I have my prescription card, and my prescription coverage begins April 1. I’ll be able to get prescriptions for $6.30, and generics for $2.50. I know Medicare has its drawbacks, but that’s the best prescription coverage I’ve ever had. In addition to that, I’ve also been trying to get an appointment with an eye doctor. I had pretty much decided I was going to go with Eye Specialists of Nebraska in Hastings. I’ve heard some good things about them and when I looked them up online I discovered that Dr. Welch, whom I have also Heard a lot of good things about, was part of that practice. I called them up last week to see if I could get an appointment, but it didn’t work out. The receptionist, Barb, answered the phone, and I first asked if they accepted Medicare. Barb said they did, but the tone in her voice told me she wasn’t very happy about it. I’m sorry to say that there are health care professionals around that don’t think much of people on Medicaid or Medicare, and Barb is one of them. After she told me they do accept Medicare, the phone went dead. I called back right away and said, “I’m sorry I think I got cut off.” To which she replied, “Can I help you?” Anyway, Barb told me that Dr. Welch was the only doctor in the office now, I don’t know what happened to all the others. Also, I thought Dr. Welch was a cornea specialist, but he’s really a retina specialist which doesn’t help me. That was for the best, I couldn’t have handled dealing with Barb on a regular basis. So this week I called the Kearney Eye Institute. They have a cornea specialist that comes from Omaha once a month. The receptionist, who didn’t seem to have a problem with Medicare, told me I would need a referral from another doctor, so I called Dr. Halgren’s office in Omaha and asked if they could send my records. Halgren’s office called later and said they had done it, so this morning I called Kearney Eye Institute, and they said the records had been received. Then we made an appointment. Since Dr. Feilmeier (pronounced file-meyer) only comes to Kearney once a month, I couldn’t get an appointment until May 9. That’s okay, this is worth waiting for. So I’m all set. Maybe it will work out this time, and maybe it won’t. All I can do is make appointments and pray. The rest is up to God. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow;, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. NIV
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We're on our way, baby! And I'm right here by your side all the way! :)
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Me~ :)