Saturday, June 16, 2012

Pumpkin Chronicles Day 56

Pumpkin Patch Central Day 56It’s day 56 of our Pumpkin Chronicles and just look at all those big beautiful blossoms! Since that first blossom showed up we’ve been getting several of them each day, maybe half a dozen at a time or so. But as you can see, we had even more than that today! The blossoms have been opening up early each morning but by noon they are already beginning to wilt, and by about 2 o’clock or so they are usually closed up. After that the blossoms will wither away and die only to be replaced by a new batch the next day. The pumpkin plants are doing their job; I sure hope the bees are!

Pumpkin Patch East Day 56And here’s Pumpkin Patch East, flourishing as well. We had some nice gentle rain showers the last two nights and the pumpkins, along with everything else, are responding with a renewed energy. There are fewer plants here and, therefore, fewer blossoms. There were a couple out here today but they were kind of hiding underneath the foliage. If the blossoms are being pollinated then we should have lots of pumpkins this fall.


  1. Hail! Hail! The pumpkins are all here.

    Even if we get no pumpkins (I know I know, you'll be devestated!) at least waking to these big orange flowers every morn is exciting!

    carry on... :*

  2. You guys are missed. Let's hear it.
